Youth flea market Friday

Mustikkamaanpolku 10, 00570 Helsinki
Edible Garden

Wardrobe makeover in mind? Come to sell or buy clothes!

Freeform flea event at Syötävä puisto. Take a blanket or other pad with you for your items and set up your sales point in the garden of Edible Park. The sales point is free of charge. All ages are welcome to the event, but the sales points are only for young people aged 11-29-years. 
Everyone is responsible for their own items and any items not sold at the end of the event must be removed. Each seller is responsible for cleaning up after themselves. You cannot enter the park by car, parking is only possible in the official parking areas of Mustikkamaa. 

Sellers can arrive at the park at 3.30 pm to prepare the sales point. The event will be held weather permitting. 

The Edible Park is located at Mustikkamaapolku 10. 

Contact: [email protected]