Photo Helsingin Taidehalli (c) Anna Autio

Tommi Toija: Archeology of Emotions

Nervanderinkatu 3, 00100 Helsinki
Kunsthalle Helsinki

Tommi Toija is one of the best known sculptors in Finland.

Tommi Toija is one of the best known sculptors in Finland. He is especially known for gently rebellious sculpture figures that examine their surroundings with eyes wide open. Toija’s works can be seen in the streetscapes of Helsinki’s Jätkäsaari district, for example, as well as in Porvoo and Kotka.

The exhibition takes a peek behind the curtains: Toija’s fascinating studio will be transplanted in its entirety to Kunsthalle Helsinki from the Lallukka Artists’ Home. 

The public will have a chance to encounter this multilayered cornucopia of artworks, tools, and inspiring objects. At times, the artist will also be present, allowing visitors to follow his studio work.

The exhibition will also feature newer sculptures, paintings, and drawings by Toija, without forgetting past creations. Plenty of clever humour is to be expected, as well as darker shades brought by the artist into his works.


Kunsthalle Helsinki

1.6. - 6.10.2024

Tue, Thu-Fri 11.00-18.00

Wed 11.00-20.00

Sat-Sun 11.00-17.00


Admission fee 11/20€, under 18 yrs free entry