Photo Petri Kekoni Company (c) Pasi Orrensalo

The Meaning of Zero

Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki
Tanssin talo - Dance House Helsinki

Created for five dancers and two musicians, The Meaning of Zero is a furious cross-disciplinary exploration into zeroness.

Created for five dancers and two musicians, The Meaning of Zero is a furious cross-disciplinary exploration into zeroness. 

The piece fuses mathematical thinking with flourishing, impulsive movement energy. The Meaning of Zero marks the first collaboration between Petri Kekoni, composer Ville Aslak Raasakka and Avanti! chamber orchestra.

The art of Petri Kekoni Company has always revolved around fundamental human questions. The way that the idea of zero permeates the living world tells us something essential about our universe and of understanding; in order to have something, first people must have a not-something.

Choreography, scenography and concept: Petri Kekoni
Composer: Ville Aslak Raasakka
Dancers: Tanja Illukka, Meeri Lempiäinen, Anna Stenberg, Pekka Louhio, Saku Koistinen

Dance House Helsinki, Pannuhalli Hall


Premiere 27.10.2023 at 19.00

Other performances 28.10. & 31.10. at 19.00
Tickets 11,60-39,10€ from Lippupiste, the duration is not mentioned