Terén Brno: Little Visitors – SAMPO Festival

Annankatu 30, 00100 Helsinki
Annantalo Arts Centre

Little Visitors is a theatre play for children, their parents, and all who love visiting others.

Little Visitors is a theatre play for children, their parents, and all who love visiting others.

Our rather peculiar hostess lives together with animals, mushrooms and dream creatures. She brews colourful dyes from flowers, herbs and spices, and she likes to paint. While she does so, she is either silent or she is murmuring to herself. She’ll be happy to welcome you to her home, where you can look at her paintings, sit down and enjoy this miraculous meeting. Feel free to paint and have a cup of juice.

Little Visitors attempts to show things up close. To let you experience the moment of colour creation, feel how the paper soaks it up, see how to hold a brush, how it glides over the surface, and how it resists. It is a glance at things common and simple that, however, at a closer look speak in a language of miracles.

The performance unfolds as a dialogue between Veronika Vlková, a painter and an illustrator, and Robert Smolík, a puppeteer and a scenographer, both from Czech Republic. It is a dialogue on the border between an exhibition and theatre.

Duration: 60 min
Age recommendation: 4+

Tickets 15 €
Tickets from Nukketeatteri Sampo.
Reservations and inquires: nukketeatterisampo.fi/esityskalenteri, phone 020 735 2235, email [email protected].

The artist Robert Smolík is mainly dedicated to the creation of puppets, illustration & scenography. He has worked on the puppets for films and has been nominated for the Český lev award in the category of film set design. He has worked with a number of theatres and theatre groups. Smolík lives in Jičín, where he founded a puppet theatre. He is currently an assistant professor at DAMU, Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre.

The artist Veronika Vlková is mainly dedicated to the illustration of children's books, which she creates in collaboration with the artist Jan Šrámek. The duo has won the Illustrator of the Year Award at the Czech Grand Design in 2020. She works at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno.