Photo (c) Tellervo Viitaniemi
Tellervo Viitaniemi: An Instant Clarity
Viitaniemi's exhibition is based on a photograph taken by Harald Natvig in 1918 of female prisoners in the Suomenlinna prison camp
Viitaniemi's exhibition is based on a photograph taken by Harald Natvig in 1918 of female prisoners in the Suomenlinna prison camp and in the exhibition space Karsserisiipi. In 1918, the place served as a prison cell, where sentences for war crimes were awaited.
Occupations of those who fell in Suomenlinna prison camp in 1918:
Artisan, Handyman, Planer, Blacksmith, Fitter, Factory Worker, Goldsmith's Apprentice, Maid, Rolling Mill Worker, Labourer, Outside Worker, Coldsmith's Assistant, Carpenter, Boat Carver, Blacksmith, Baker, Brewery Worker, Tanner, Agricultural Worker, Tailor, Sailor and Boatman.*
The 17-year-old maid Aina Aliina died in the camp. What is the significance of her unknown story?
The works and the space direct attention to the history of humanity, which no one wants to experience, but which must be taken into account.
Tellervo Viitaniemi is a visual artist living in Suomenlinna. In her works, she combines collective and personal history.
Suomenlinna, Iso-Mustasaari, Karsserisiipi, C 31
Daily 11.00-17.00
Free entry, the space is exceptionally open to the public during the exhibition