Teatteri QO: Ovisilmä
What kinds of moments is life in apartment buildings made up of? Looking through the peephole, you can glimpse into the homes in apartment buildings and into the lives of their residents.
What kinds of moments is life in apartment buildings made up of? Looking through the peephole, you can glimpse into the homes in apartment buildings and into the lives of their residents.
This puppet theatre show is like a cheerful game about the joys, scents, sounds and encounters of our daily lives.
Performers: Mila Nirhamo ja Anna Uschanov
Script, puppets, scenography: Anna Uschanov
Direction and sound design: Perrine Ferrafiat
Duration: 35 min
Target group: 3+ yrs
Language: Finnish
Free entry
Seat reservation begins on Aug 15 at annantalo.fi