Photo Tehnikaülikooli Akadeemiline Meeskoor (c) Jaan Krivel

TAM & PK Choirs' Concert

Liisankatu 13, 00170 Helsinki
Sibelius-lukio Upper Secondary School

TAM&PK - Academic male choir tradition from both sides of the Gulf of Finland

TAM&PK - Academic male choir tradition from both sides of the Gulf of Finland

Academic Male Choir of Tallinn University of Technology TAM (Tehnikaülikooli Akadeemiline Meeskoor) will give a concert in Helsinki as a guest of the Polytech Choir in April. 

TAM is the largest male choir in Estonia and has been active since 1945. The choir has an extensive repertoire and its core values are quality singing, academic traditions, a well-functioning organisation, audience focus and good humour. 

Academic Male Choir of Tallinn University of Technology TAM
The Polytech Choir

The choirs are conducted by Valter Soosalu and Saara Aittakumpu

Sibelius-lukio, Ball Room



Free entry