Photo Liszt-instituutti / Gyöngyi Fazekas: My Unborn Son, Mark Beleznai: Agapé, Petra Dénes: Neighbours ja Balázs Nyitrai: Resident

Short Film Screening and Roundtable Discussion

Sofiankatu 4, 00170 Helsinki
Kino Engel

Metropolitan x Aalto: Short film screening and roundtable discussion

Metropolitan x Aalto: Short film screening and roundtable discussion

The short film screening and roundtable discussion at Kino Engel cinemawill be a great opportunity to get to know award-winning works by talented students from Budapest Metropolitan University and Aalto University.

The event will feature four recent short films, Gyöngyi Fazekas' Aalto University graduation film My Unborn Son and three Metropolitan University films, Márk Beleznai's drama Agapé, Petra Dénes' documentary Neighbours and Balázs Nyitrai's Resident. 

A discussion in English will follow the screening, providing fascinating insights into the films as well as the film studies education at the two universities.


Kino Engel



Free entry, pre-registration by 27.11.:

Performed in Hungarian, Finnish and/or English; subtitles in English