OAF X Caisa Gallery: Reality
What does the world look like from the perspective of an outsider artist? And what could it look like?
What does the world look like from the perspective of an outsider artist? And what could it look like?
OAF’s visual arts programme will answer these questions by spreading out to Pertti’s Choice Gallery, the gallery of the Cultural Centre Caisa and the virtual gallery from 15 to 25 August 2024.
The group exhibitions will present a diverse range of outsider art. The Cultural Centre Caisa’s exhibition “Reality” makes observations about the world and takes a stand on the surrounding society.
The exhibition at the Caisa Gallery includes works from the following artists: Ton Melnyk & Masha Ravlyk, Jussi Ruusulampi, Juhani Rusanen and Ville Färsaaret.
The exhibitions are curated in an inclusive way. The exhibitions are designed and implemented by the artistic team of OAF Visual Arts, including curators Johanna Konttinen and Jaana Miettinen and mentors Silja Pasila and Pekka Elomaa.
The vernissage of the Caisa Gallery group exhibition will take place on the Night of the Arts on 15 August from 15-17, after which the gallery will be open until 22. The opening speech will be given by Paavo Arhinmäki, Deputy Mayor of Helsinki for Culture and Leisure. The event is free for all.
Free entry, welcome!
Read more at https://outsiderart.fi/