Photo Meni | Tuli

Meni | Tuli: Art School Maa's Graduation Exhibition

Meni | Tuli: Art School Maa's Graduation Exhibition 2024

Meni | Tuli: Art School Maa's Graduation Exhibition 2024

Meni | Tuli is the graduation exhibition 2024 of Art School Maa, which brings to life a rusty environment with its societal, everyday absurdity, production, and interaction-related works. 

The exhibition features artworks by ten graduating artists, showcasing a fresh collection of moving images, art graphics, painting, installations, ceramics, and performance art. The exhibition is named after the museum-kept time card machine found in Levyhalli.


Ulriika Hyry / Vili Järvinen / Lukas Kallonen / Tuuli Kudjoi / Anna Kuorikoski / Anni-Anett Liik / Teemu Ruissalo / Elsa Tölli /
Ben Vale / Inka Weiner


Levyhalli, Suomenlinna B5


Daily 12.00-20.00 

Vernissage on May 8th 17.00-20.00