Photo Farbod Fakharzadeh, Kenno Filmi
Martta Tuomaala: Am I calling you at a bad time?
Martta Tuomaala: Am I calling you at a bad time? (2024)
Martta Tuomaala: Am I calling you at a bad time? (2024)
Am I Calling you at a Bad Time? is an experimental fictional story based on recollections of true events in telephone sales.
X is growing up in the 1990s, she makes prank calls as a child and gets her first job in telephone sales as a teenager. Office smells, heavy breathers, and meaningless greetings follow her from one workplace to another. Through archival material and amateur video footage, the narrative reflects X’s actions as a faceless subject playing with her voice as a commercialised asset. Am I Calling you at a Bad Time? is an experimental fictional story based on recollections of true events.
Forum Box
Tue-Sun 12.00-17.00
Free entry
Martta Tuomaala is a Helsinki-based visual artist (MA) who works between documentary and fiction. She works with various forms of film, video and installation. Over the past decade she has mainly concentrated on work culture and workers’ issues. Tuomaala has worked in many low-income fields and her own experiences have inspired her to create projects that emphasize workers’ rights.