Photo Lapinlahden Lähde (c) Yuki Klink

Japanese Calligraphy - Workshop and Performance

Artist Yuki Klink will present a calligraphy performance using a special watercolour technique.

Artist Yuki Klink will present a calligraphy performance using a special watercolour technique.

In addition, he will lead two calligraphy workshops where the audience will be able to try their hand at calligraphy by writing ZEN words on Japanese Tanzaku paper.

Lapinlahden Lähde





13.00-13.30 Yuki Klink: Calligraphy - performance in the corridor of Department 5, main building, 1st floor. Yuki writes Zen words in watercolour.
14.00-15.30 Workshop 1: Zen words on Tanzaku paper
16.00-17.30 Workshop 2: ZEN words on Tanzaku paper


Free entry, binding pre-registration: [email protected]
The workshop will be held in English