Photo re–creatures 2022, Mattatoio, Roma. Foto di Pietro Bertora e Andrea Pizzalis©️2022 Azienda Speciale Palaexpo

Himali Singh Soin & David Soin Tappeser: An Omniscience An atmos-etheric, transnational, interplanetary cosmist bird opera spanning seven continents and the many verses

Hesperianpuisto, 00260 Helsinki
Opera amphitheatre

Combining poetry and music, the concert is a philosophical lesson on what it means to be a bird.

A performance piece combines epic poetry and an original score, gathering the stories of the Arctic Tern - a bird that makes the longest annual migration of any creature. This bird opera celebrates lightness, drifting, and transnationalism while mourning the loss of home, hunger, and loneliness. It suggests drifting as a way of being and air as a support for the common path, connecting the tundra to the tropics. Himali Singh Soin is an Indian writer and artist. David Soin Tappeser is a German-born drummer, composer and performance artist.

The performance is preceded by a bird tour led by an artist Camille Auer. The bird tour is free, but requires a pre-registration at Kiasma Theatre's website due to the limited amount of audience.

Free entry.