Photo Candomino (c) Viena Kangas

From the Pains of the Baltic and Ukraine

Ritarikatu 1, 00170 Helsinki
House of Nobility (Ritarihuone)

Candomino and CandoMini will be performing choir music from the Baltic and Ukraine in their concert “From the plains of the Baltic and Ukraine”.

Candomino and CandoMini will be performing choir music from the Baltic and Ukraine in their concert “From the plains of the Baltic and Ukraine”. 

Concert’s largest piece, Plainscapes by Petersis Vasks, is a meditative praise to the plains of Latvia, nature and the beginning of Spring. Choirs are led by Esko Kallio and Anna Sandström. Knuut Nissinen plays violin and Hannes Jämsä plays cello.

The Candomino choir is a youth choir from Espoo. It was founded in 1967, and Candomino has triumphed in both international and national choir competitions by performing a broad repertoire of music, ranging from pieces from the Renaissance period to contemporary music. The children’s choir CandoMini turns 10 this year, and it has achieved its place in top of the Finnish children’s choirs.


House of Nobility



Tickets 25/15€ from Holvi Shop and at the entrance