Photo Maud Halimi

France & Finland: Music Through the Eyes of Women

Alppikatu 2, 00530 Helsinki
Church of the Deaconess Institute

An evening with the Trio du Jardin Féérique (violin, cello, piano) filled with French and Finnish music from the past until today.

Mel Bonis, Laura Netzel, Louise Farrenc: three talented artists from the 19th and 20th centuries, whose works, created during an era that was still hostile to women's creative talent, got forgotten over time.

Not only were they active composers, they also appeared as acclaimed concert pianists, pedagogues, conductors, created a new music publishing house, lead charity causes and became pioneers in their respective way by the causes they championed in life.

This program is an invitation to rediscover the musical universes of these multi-faceted artists at the crossroad between France and Finland while introducing « Lent, dans le noir », the commission piece by the young composer Tara Valkonen premiered last June in Paris by the trio.


Church of the Deaconess Institute



Tickets 20/15€ at the entrance



Mel Bonis (1858-1937): Soir

Laura Netzel (1839-1927): Trio in d minor op.78

Tara Valkonen (1999- ): Lent, dans le noir

Louise Farrenc (1804-1875): Trio No.2 in d minor op. 34


The Trio du Jardin Féérique consists of Louise Akili, pianist based in Paris, Jean-Samuel Bez, violinist based in Bruxelles and Laura Martin, cellist, based in Helsinki.