Photo Jussi Salminen

European Film Weeks 2023

Malminkatu 16, 00100 Helsinki
Eurooppasali - Europe Hall

For over a decade now, all the Embassies and Culture Institutes of the EU Member States and candidate countries in Finland have been invited to participate

For over a decade now, all the Embassies and Culture Institutes of the EU Member States and candidate countries in Finland have been invited to participate in the European Film Weeks by presenting one film per country. In addition, Ukraine is joining the festival as a guest of honor.

The theme of the European Film Weeks 2023 is Skills.

The European Year of Skills promotes a mindset of reskilling and upskilling, helping people to get the right skills for quality jobs.

Some of the films approach the theme of Skills in the plot of the film, whereas some of the films themselves are award winners or forerunners in storytelling, directing or in visual arts!
Many of the films have received prestigious awards in their respective countries and internationally.



Free entry, tickets at the entrance half an hour before the start

All films have subtitles in English