Photo Finlandia-talo (c) Cecilia Rosenlew

Cecilia Rosenlew: With All Senses

Karamzininranta 4, 00100 Helsinki
Little Finlandia

Paintings by Cecilia Rosenlew are on display at Little Finlandia in March.

Paintings by Cecilia Rosenlew are on display at Little Finlandia in March.

"The starting point for my paintings can be a color, motion or something that’s caught my eye. I let the painting grow until it reaches its final form. Nature is often a source for inspiration. The painting changes and evolves until it is ready – either into an abstract or figurative painting, or sometimes something in between. The starting point can be a figurative painting which then evolves into an abstract piece.
The relevant thing in these paintings is the movement, color and composition. Nature is present but often in an abstract form. I take my time on each painting and often start over again many times.
In these paintings both nature and imagination are present. These paintings are both figurative and abstract and some of them combine both. I do not have a model for the painting but it’s rather the sense of an ever changing feeling that steers my work. The same applies to the figurative paintings where I do have an image in my mind. The paintings tell a story about the environment in their own way. I use either acrylic or oil color, or both."

Cecilia Rosenlew


Little Finlandia


Mon-Fri 09.00-18.00

Sat 11.00-18.00

Free entry