7 ways to speak from the heart in Helsinki
In Helsinki, people are encouraged to speak from the heart about what matters most to them.
Freedom to speak up. Freedom to believe in what matters. Freedom to be unapologetically you. In Helsinki, you are able to embrace all the liberties Finland has to offer. We have highlighted seven ways people can embrace self-expression and how the city enables them to speak from their hearts.
1. Celebrating freedom of speech
Finland embraces everyone’s right to free expression. The country is internationally recognised for its freedom of speech, which is guaranteed by the Finnish Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights.
However, hate speech is taken very seriously in Finland. Hate speech and harassment have no place here, and the law ensures everyone is protected. This ensures that freedom of speech is paired with responsibility, fostering a safe environment for everyone.
2. Honoring democracy
Democratic elections are a cornerstone of Finnish society. Citizens over 18 have a right to vote in parliamentary elections every four years, and presidential elections every six years. Additionally, all residents over 18 can vote in municipal elections and referendums. Also, immigrants have the right to vote in municipal elections ensuring all the city residents can have a say in their local representatives and laws.
Finland’s political system is based on collaboration. With its multiparty system, no single party holds power alone, leading to coalition governments that work across party lines.
Finnish leaders are also known for their peace efforts. Former President Martti Ahtisaari, who served from 1994 to 2000, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2008 for his contributions to resolving international conflicts.
3. Supporting freedom of religion
Finland has freedom of religion, allowing everyone to choose and practise their beliefs freely. This is also reflected in educational policy as children have the right to choose an education according to their religion or study ethics instead.
This might be one of the reasons Finland has 170 organisations listed on the Register of Religious Communities. The registration is not mandatory and religious groups are free to operate without it.
Freedom of Speech
Helsinki Happiness
4. Embracing the freedoms to connect and express
People in Finland enjoy freedom of association, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly. You can form or join associations without needing a permit, choose your level of involvement, and participate freely in their activities.
Freedom of expression and assembly ensures the right to share beliefs and values by taking part in demonstrations. While no permission is required, authorities should be notified of planned gatherings of short.
5. Trusted and respected media
The national media holds a strong reputation in Finland. The country has a long tradition of journalism and 96 % of Finns over 15 read newspapers, according to a survey conducted by Media Audit Finland in 2024. Trust in news remains among the highest globally, according to the Reuters Institute in 2024. Finland also excels in critical thinking and identifying fake news, ranking highly in the Media Literacy Index several years in a row – thanks to its great education system.
In 2024, Finland ranked fifth in the Reporters Without Borders’ World Press Freedom Index. The index ranks 180 countries according to categories including the independence and pluralism of the media and the safety and freedom of journalists. Helsinki, in particular, takes pride in the country’s commitment to a free press and the open flow of information.
6. Commitment to safety
Helsinki is dedicated to ensuring safety for all. The Turvallinen Helsinki network focuses on preventing racial segregation, stopping the formation of gangs, addressing hate speech, and combating radicalisation and extremism. Additionally, Helsinki is also a member of the Nordic Safe Cities network, reinforcing its commitment to creating a secure and inclusive city.
7. Encouraging active participation
Helsinki dedicates 4.4 million euros annually to participatory budgeting, turning citizen ideas into reality. Residents vote to decide which proposals are implemented, ensuring their voices can shape the city.
We celebrate a culture that encourages everyone to speak from the heart and share their vision for a better Helsinki.