Torotörö | We called her Bertha – Power of Dance Festival

Klaneettitie 5, 00420 Helsinki

The performances of the evening are Kaaos Company’s duet and Dance Theatre Tsuumi’s hypnotic stage performance. Two performances with one ticket.

The performances of the evening are Kaaos Company’s duet and Dance Theatre Tsuumi’s hypnotic stage performance. Two performances with one ticket.

Kaaos Company: Torotörö
Torotörö is a doubly melty sensation on the tongue. A liquid language that seeps across skins and oozes in the gaps -- a molten playfield on a syrupy scale between fish and bull. Two dancing performers tinker with touch, risk, delicacy and strength down to the molecular. Between them lives a wild multiple, an invitation to enter the rapids of fluid worlds together.

Torotörö Workgroup
Performers: Kadar Khristan & Jussi Ulkuniemi
Sound design: Riku-Pekka Kellokoski
Light design: Outi Vedenpää
Costume design: Iiris Herttua
Choreographic direction: Georgie Goater
Choreographic assistance: Kaisa Kukkonen
Production: Kaaos Company

Dance Theatre Tsuumi: We Called Her Bertha
We Called Her Bertha is a hypnotic stage performance by two dancers and a double bassist, in which bodily metamorphosis transports the viewer through time from youth to old age and from memories to dreams. In this picturesque work, hopes become reality, landscapes become distorted and the passage of time is unpredictable.

Power of Dance Festival
A spectrum of dance at Kanneltalo! The Power of Dance Festival, held in September, features ballet, jazz dance, dance theatre, contemporary dance and integrated dance.

The festival offers performances by top artists at two locations. Kanneltalo will present Minna Tervamäki’s Heaven’s Gate. In August, Suomenlinna will present Willman Dance Company’s Äijä.

The Power of Dance Festival has been organised since 2015 with the aim of providing a platform for repeat performances in the Finnish dance scene. Alternately, the festival is aimed one year at adults and the other year at families with children.