Pop & Jazz Conservatory’s Concert: Hanna & Akiko | Kietoutumo

Metsäpurontie 4, 00630 Helsinki
Maunula House

The concerts produced together by the Helsinki Pop & Jazz Conservatory and Maunula House continue!

Pop & Jazz concerts have delighted and captured the hearts of Maunula residents time and time again. Let’s gather around the music once again. 


Hanna & Akiko

Hanna Raittila (vocals) and Akiko Yokoyama (piano) perform songs from the world of musicals. The duo finds common grounds in their background in classical music and a goal in traversing the borders between various genres.



Kietoutumo's sound entities are inspired by how their original compositions and traditional tunes inspire, inform and cultivate each other. These tunes have been arranged; interspersed, intertwined, interlocked and fused together with a sense of playfulness, wonder and integration of past and future into the present moment.


In the space between captivating melodies and new terrain,

here lies folk music re-imagined. The intertwined sounds of trumpet and piano complement and 

contrast each other, bringing a fresh twist to more traditional folk instrumentation.


Devina Boughton (they/them) is a trumpet player, vocalist, composer and pedagogue hailing from rainy Portland, OR and currently based in Helsinki, Finland. After completing a Bachelors of Music from Berklee College of Music, Devina studied in Sibelius Academy’s Global Music Department on a Fulbright Grant. Devina explores and intertwines different genres, building sound worlds that play with and cross borders between improvisation and composition. They are currently inspired by timbres, nature and technology, human experiences and stories and are passionate about interdisciplinary and cross-genre collaboration.