Photo Yö Galleria (c) Carine Fabritius

Passé Composé

Lönnrotinkatu 33, 00180 Helsinki
Yö Galleria

Group exhibition Passé composé, curated by Mikael Gangster-Lehtinen, presents works by nine artists.

Group exhibition Passé composé, curated by Mikael Gangster-Lehtinen, presents works by nine artists.
The exhibition's overarching theme is the face, and the artists are given the opportunity to approach the theme from a variety of perspectives.

In the ethics of the Lithuanian-born French philosopher Emmanuel Lévinas, the central theme is not only that of otherness, but also that of the face. The face represents the most naked self in a human being, vulnerability and uncontrollability, unlike human values, clothing or identity. When people look at the face of another, they are immediately responsible for him or her, because it is a natural way of recognising the other as self-justified, not just as an instrument of their own totality and control.

The exhibition includes paintings, video works, installations, object collages, participatory art and augmented reality. 


Artists: Harri Ahvenainen, Joonas Eränen, Carine Fabritius, Svante Knuus, Johannes Länsiö, Henrik Pathirane, Ilkka Pitkänen, Aleksi Salminen, Helena Sorvali.


Yö Galleria


Tue-Fri 14.00-19.00

Sat-Sun 12.00-17.00


Opening party 19.5.  18.00-21.00

Free entry