Photo Jörn Donner / Donner Productions

On Donner’s Trail

00100 Helsinki
Hakasalmi Villa

Delve into the exhibition of Jörn Donner’s photographs and come listen to lectures related to photography and travel. The program is in Finnish.

What kind of a Finland did Jörn Donner set out from on his journeys? Can the influence of explorers in his bloodline be seen in his enthusiasm for travel? How do Donner’s travels compare to those of his Finnish contemporaries? How do his photos look through the eyes of a modern travelling photographer? In a lecture event related to Villa Hakasalmi’s Jörn Donner – Travelling 1951–68 exhibition, the man and his photographs are examined from a broader perspective of travel and encountering new cultures.


13.00 Professor Hannu Salmi: Maailman äärellä. Suomalaiset matkailijoina 1950–60-luvuilla (‘At the end of the world. Finns as travellers in the 1950s–1960s’)
13.40 D.Sc. Olavi Louheranta: “Tohtori Donner – otaksun?” Sukulinjan mitta seikkailuja, tutkimusmatkoja sekä kosmopoliittista patriotismia (‘Doctor Donner, I presume? A bloodline’s worth of adventures, exploration and cosmopolitan patriotism’)
14.20 Break
14.30 Chief Curator Katri Hirvonen-Nurmi: Helinä Rautavaaran, Donnerin aikalaisen, kuvat, tarinat ja esineet maailmalta (‘Photos, stories and items collected from around the world by Helinä Rautavaara, Donner’s contemporary’)
15.10 Photographer Heli Sorjonen: Valokuvaajan matkassa tämän päivän maailmassa (‘Travelling with a photographer in today’s world’)
15.50 Final discussion

The event is produced in collaboration with Helsinki Summer University. Included in the price of admission, no extra charge.