Let’s Celebrate Flop! gala – Let’s Celebrate Flop! festival

Klaneettitie 5, 00420 Helsinki

The gala night that concludes the festival will feature a new and updated act of comedic flops from Taina Mäki-Iso and some amazing guests.

The gala night that concludes the festival will feature a new and updated act of comedic flops from Taina Mäki-Iso and some amazing guests.

The wheel of fortune will spin and land on triumphs and failures in different areas of life: flops with money, love and work life. Of course, the gala night will also have music, speeches, prizes, improv and definitely those entertaining flops!

The performers include conductor and clown Jouni Bäckström; musician Maija Karhinen-Ilo; actor and comedian Jussi Lankoski; actor and comedian Susanna Pukkila; actor and clown Pia Tapio; director and clown Dan Söderholm; Rosa Maria Perä, who is responsible for the evening’s dramaturgy and direction; scenographer Elina Kolehmainen; and lighting designer Mirkka Saari.

Language: Finnish and English
Age recommendation: youth and adults