Jore Marjaranta & Olli Ahvenlahti – Christmas Concert

Klaneettitie 5, 00420 Helsinki
Cultural Centre Kanneltalo

Let's get ready for Christmas! The concert will feature atmospheric and touching Christmas carols.

Let's get ready for Christmas! The concert will feature atmospheric and touching Christmas carols.

The beautiful pop-tenor of Jore Marjaranta, known for being the frontman of the Leningrad Cowboys, has forged an extensive solo career as a singer-songwriter with several albums and shows.

At the piano, we have Olli Ahvenlahti, pianist, composer and conductor familiar from many music shows on television, the grand old man of Finland’s music entertainment.

The duo's Christmas Concert will feature atmospheric and touching Christmas songs.

Duration 1 h 50 min, incl. 20 min intermission