Chile 50 – A film screening about Chile and Finland

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

This 2023 marks the 50 years commemoration of the unforgettable Chilean coup of 1973.

This 2023 marks the 50 years commemoration of the unforgettable Chilean coup of 1973.

This event set a historic precedent in the history of Finland, as in December 1973, the first Chilean exiles began to arrive in the country.

This documentary film series will take a brief journey back to the 1970s in Finland, where we will be able to see works that left a mark on the society of that era, such as ‘Kaksi vuotta Suomessa’ by the renowned Chilean director Angelina Vásquez, and 'Taksvärkki - 74,' directed by the Finnish-Swedish filmmaker Claes Olsson.