Break! – unhurried crafts workshop

Turunlinnantie 1, 00900 Helsinki

In Break! crafts workshops, everyday life is enriched with easy-to-learn handicrafts, which also help you to learn how to make more ecological choices in everyday life.

In Break! crafts workshops, everyday life is enriched with easy-to-learn handicrafts, which also help you to learn how to make more ecological choices in everyday life.

The autumn workshops will immerse you in working with materials in a leisurely way and creating beautiful objects. We will experiment with the many uses of sheep’s wool and explore the delicious world of natural dyes. Some of the workshops will feature guest experts.

Wednesday, 13 September 17.00–19.00 Felted soap
Wet felting is a traditional craft and a soothing technique. In this workshop, you will felt your own ecological soap.

Wednesday, 11 October 17.00–19.00 A new life of a jumper
Wool is an everyday material for Finns, familiar from knitted woollen socks to woollen felt boots. Felted in a washing machine, recycled jumpers and mittens will now get a new lease of life as articles of daily use.

Wednesday, 8 November 17.00–19.00 Laboratory of natural dyes
We will explore the enchanting world of natural dyes together. In the workshop, we will boil, mix, strain and finally paint with the dyes we have made ourselves.

Wed, 13 December 17.00–19.00 Fabric dyeing with natural dyes: traditions and new trends
The manufacturing processes in the clothing and textile industries are a burden on the environment. Can natural dyes offer new, better alternatives? Through the use of natural dyes, we will explore dyeing fabrics and discuss new methods.