Being Black – Afro Finns’ Experiences – Helsinki City Museum’s parallel exhibition at Vuotalo

Mosaiikkitori 2, 00980 Helsinki
Vuosaari House

The Vuotalo parallel exhibition will feature photographs and an interview video on the activities of the Afro-Finnish Good Hair Day collective.

The Vuotalo parallel exhibition will feature photographs and an interview video on the activities of the Afro-Finnish Good Hair Day collective.

To add some perspective in terms of past decades, the exhibition will also shed light on some Afro Finns from the 19th and 20th centuries. In August, Vuotalo will be hosting a workshop to collect photos from visitors to include in the exhibition.

Helsinki City Museum’s Being Black – Afro Finns’ Experiences parallel exhibition will open at Vuotalo on 15 June. The purpose of the exhibition is to raise awareness of Afro-Finnish culture by telling how the Afro Finns are part of Helsinki and the Helsinki identity, and to strengthen the Afro-Finnish cultural heritage in the museum’s collections.